Book: S is for Silence (Kinsey Millhone Mysteries) by Sue Grafton
"S is for silence," is Sue Grafton's latest (upcoming until I write this) book in the alphabate series. This story revolves around a daughter who hires Kinsey Millhone to learn about the fate of her mother who disappeared when she was only three years old.
The Booklist:
Part of the intrigue from this case comes from Grafton's sensitive portrayal of the psychological consequences of neglect. Boldly departing from the conventions of victim fiction, Grafton portrays the daughter as sniveling and annoying as well as desperate. Millhone doesn't have much hope for the case but starts digging (it's fascinating in itself to see how Millhone flounders and flounders until she finds a crack in the case). Grafton juxtaposes flashbacks to 1953, when the mother disappeared, with the current investigation, giving different points of view on the woman. Although she gives us a bit too much of Millhone's eating and living habits (probably in response to fan enthusiasm), this novel also presents strong character portrayals, a mosaic of motives, and a stunning climax.
Author Profile: Sue Grafton
Sue Grafton is a contemporary American author of detective novels. Her most famous works are a chronological series of mystery novels. Known colloquially as "the alphabet novels," or Kinsey Millhone Mysteries. Stories in this series are set in a fictional town of Santa Teresa which is based on the author's primary city of residence Santa Barbara, California. Grafton's first book of this series is "A" is for Alibi, written and set in 1982. The series continues with "B" is for Burglar, "C" is for Corpse, and so on through the alphabet. The timeline of the series is slower than real-time - "Q" is for Quarry, for example, is set in 1987, even though it was written in 2002. Her next book, "S" is for Silence, is due to be published in December 2005.
She has also written some movies for television "Walking Through the Fire" for which she won a Christopher Award, 1979, "Sex and the Single Parent," "Mark, I Love You," and "Nurse." In addition, with her husband Steven Humphrey, she adapted two Agatha Christie novels, "Caribbean Mystery" and "Sparkling Cyanide." You can have a look at all the books published in the Alphabate Series
Kinsey Millhone
Kinsey Millhone is the fictional character of a female private investigator in Sue Grafton's 'The alphabate series'. Read Kinsey Millhone Biography to learn more.
The Booklist:
Part of the intrigue from this case comes from Grafton's sensitive portrayal of the psychological consequences of neglect. Boldly departing from the conventions of victim fiction, Grafton portrays the daughter as sniveling and annoying as well as desperate. Millhone doesn't have much hope for the case but starts digging (it's fascinating in itself to see how Millhone flounders and flounders until she finds a crack in the case). Grafton juxtaposes flashbacks to 1953, when the mother disappeared, with the current investigation, giving different points of view on the woman. Although she gives us a bit too much of Millhone's eating and living habits (probably in response to fan enthusiasm), this novel also presents strong character portrayals, a mosaic of motives, and a stunning climax.
Author Profile: Sue Grafton
Sue Grafton is a contemporary American author of detective novels. Her most famous works are a chronological series of mystery novels. Known colloquially as "the alphabet novels," or Kinsey Millhone Mysteries. Stories in this series are set in a fictional town of Santa Teresa which is based on the author's primary city of residence Santa Barbara, California. Grafton's first book of this series is "A" is for Alibi, written and set in 1982. The series continues with "B" is for Burglar, "C" is for Corpse, and so on through the alphabet. The timeline of the series is slower than real-time - "Q" is for Quarry, for example, is set in 1987, even though it was written in 2002. Her next book, "S" is for Silence, is due to be published in December 2005.She has also written some movies for television "Walking Through the Fire" for which she won a Christopher Award, 1979, "Sex and the Single Parent," "Mark, I Love You," and "Nurse." In addition, with her husband Steven Humphrey, she adapted two Agatha Christie novels, "Caribbean Mystery" and "Sparkling Cyanide." You can have a look at all the books published in the Alphabate Series
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